Sarah Clark Directional Life Coach

How I Help

How I Help
I offer a range of options depending on what works best for you
How I Help

1:1 Coaching

These are individual sessions tailored to your individual style, goals and needs.

If you’d prefer anonymity and a closed environment, then these sessions are for you. They will allow us to be more personal and proactive to find the right direction and future for you.

We would have 60-minute coaching sessions (30 mins for under 18’s), usually once a fortnight, either Face to Face or via a video call (typically Zoom), whichever is your preference.

DISC Profiling

DISC Personality Profiling allows you to understand your unique personality style and how you interact with others.

This is a really useful technique to discover your traits and personality that will help us pinpoint the right future choices for you. It’s also a brilliant tool to help you in interviews.

It can help you develop your communication skills, understand how you deal with stress and how to adapt your behaviour in difficult situations.

Group Coaching

This involves working in small groups to explore tools and techniques to help you find your ideal Future.

This group work is to help you bounce off other people and usually helps to get the process started.

You’ll discover lots of possibilities and it will help you discover where your future lies.

Want to find out more?

Take a look at the different packages that I can offer to start your change today.

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